Etiquette Coaching

Elevate Etiquette offers in-person and online training and consulting services for individuals, groups, and organizations around the world. Courses may be taught at one of our partnering Washington, D.C. locations or at your home or office. All trainings may be customized to fit your specific needs.

Book your one-on-one or group coaching session with Alison today!


Corporate Trainings

From students to CEOs, we help our clients thrive professionally with confidence and kindness. Below are examples of the types of courses we offer as private bookings.  
  • effective & professional communication 
  • customer service
  • formal dining etiquette 
  • team building workshops
  • diversity etiquette
  • inter-generational workplaces 
  • international protocol 
  • international etiquette 
  • client and/or donor entertaining
  • social media 
  • executive presence 
  • identifying & improving leadership style
  • media training & public speaking 
  • business travel 
  • fundraising with grace 

equip your team for success

Stand Out As A
Polished Professional

Are you ready for your next career move, returning to the workforce, or otherwise ready to become the poised, respected, and professional business leader you know you can be? Our polished professional workshop is for you. This course is offered one-on-one and in group settings. This is our most popular course booked by universities and organizations investing in their emerging talent. Topics include: 

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  • Effective & Professional Communication 
  • Identifying & Improving Your leadership style 
  • networking in a way that works for YOU
  • mastering mingling 
  • dress codes & personal branding 
  • thank you notes 
  • diversity etiquette 
  • executive presence 
  • media training & public speaking 
  • job search strategy 
  • interviewing 
  • workplace ethics, taking responsibility, and recovering from mistakes 

hone your executive presence & Leadership style

Modern Manners Masterclass 

This is the course for you if you want to shine not only professionally, but in all areas of work and life. How do you write a condolence note? What topics are safe but not boring for a cocktail reception, and what do you do with your napkin at the end of a meal? We answer these questions and more in the Modern Manners Masterclass. Topics include: 

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  • general social graces 
  • greetings & introductions 
  • hosting
  • being a gracious guest 
  • modeling manners for children
  • dining etiquette basics 
  • professional etiquette basics 
  • weddings
  • funerals
  • milestone moments 
  • personal branding 
  • social media audit

shine in every social setting

Dining Etiquette Demystified 

Because which utensil to use or knowing when to give a toast shouldn’t be a source of distraction. Learn everything you do need to know to navigate modern fine dining and table manners with ease.  

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dine with confidence and ease


how much you
until they know how
much you

- Theodore Roosevelt

People don't care